What’s in a Club Badge ?

A Club badge is a representation of the club’s identity , it’s their story, their passion, their culture!

The Colors : Green represents the lands discovered by the past Navigators in History, today for us it represents the discovery of new talents and skills within our players, finally reaching their goal and moving on in search of more and larger goals.

Blue: represents the Oceans the great Navigators of the past sailed on to reach far off lands, today it represents the journey our players are on, gaining knowledge and skills each season (voyage). It is their path to discovery, the day to day, season to season of growth.

The Ship: represents the great vessels of past Navigators, today it represents the vehicle in which our players use to transport them on their journey of learning, and the means for them to reach their goals.

The Red Cross: represents the Cruz de Cristo which was the standard bearer of past Navigators, for us it represents the Club’s Founder’s ties to their Portuguese Heritage, and is a tribute to the strong ties to our Portuguese community in the New England region.