Official Club Policies of New England Navigators
1. Player Agreement / Tuition:
Term – All players accepting a position on a team are agreeing to a 1 year commitment, unless specified and agreed upon prior to registration night. Regardless of full or partial year commitment, all tuitions are expected to be paid in full prior to first game with 1/3 of total tuition required at registration night.
Tuition – Tuition amounts for any given year will be provided to parents prior to registration night. A 1/3 total tuition payment will be required at registration. Two subsequent payments will be due August 1st & September 1st of current seasonal year. All tuitions must be paid in full prior to first game of seasonal year. Player pass cards will not be issued to team mangers unless all tuition obligations are met. Late fees may be applied to past due tuition payments.
Tuition Reduction / Waiver – The Navigators Soccer Club Board of Directors may vote for tuition reduction or waiver upon request by a family based on financial hardship. Parent of player(s) requesting reduction / waiver must present written request at or before time of registration. Additional supporting documentation may be required for approval. Financial hardship will be the only reason for reduction or waiver taken into consideration.
Refund Policy – Tuition payments are non-refundable.
Tuition Reductions – Parents may be asked to fill administrative roles for the club in exchange for reduced tuition. Tuition payments must be paid in full in accordance with the above schedule. Refunds will be distributed throughout the seasonal year as responsibilities are met. The Navigators board of directors may vote to make exceptions based on previous year performance. No refunds will be given if the Board of Director determines responsibilities have not been met or in the event of a player deciding not to continue playing or moving to another club.
2. Attendance / Playing Time
Attendance – Navigators Soccer Club players are given the opportunity to take part in (2) soccer practices per week during the Fall & Spring seasons. Players are expected to attend all of their teams training sessions, however, absences may be accepted. If a player consistently fails to meet their obligations, playing time may be reduced.
Playing Time – Navigators team players should be given a minimum of 20% playing time in any seasonal games. In post season, playoff and tournament games a minimum of 10% playing time can be expected. Younger teams should be given no less than 20% playing time if possible. Final playing time is at the discretion of the coach.
Playing Up – Players will generally be expected to play in their appropriate age groups. Players may request to “play up” based on superior playing ability. A mutual decision must be determined by the coaches of both age groups and the Board of Directors in order for a move to take place. Player/parent will only be informed of the decision as a whole and may not be present for discussion.
3. Tournaments and Indoor Leagues
Required Tournaments – Navigators Soccer Club includes in its Yearly Tuition Fee a Memorial Day Weekend Tournament. Attendance is expected of all players whose team are entered into tournaments.
Optional Tournaments – Any additional tournaments are optional and are not included in regular tuition payments. Team manager will calculate costs of tournament based on players committing and relay information to parents. Payment is expected at least 2 week prior to tournament dates. Any player who commits to playing in an optional tournament and later backs out will be responsible for payment of their share of tournament fee. An additional amount above actual tournament fee may be included as compensation for coaches.
Optional Winter Indoor Programs – Navigators Soccer Club may participate in a Winter Indoor League or provide Winter Training sessions as Optional programs that are not included in the Yearly Tuition fees . Particular session and location will be determined based on cost and location by Navigators board of directors. At the coach’s discretion, tournaments may be substituted for indoor league play.
Optional Indoor Leagues – Any additional leagues are optional and are not included in regular tuition payments. Team manager will calculate costs of additional leagues based on players committing and relay information to parents. Payment is expected at least 2 week prior to league play. Any player who commits to playing in an optional league and later backs out will be responsible for payment of their share of tournament fee. An additional amount above actual league fee may be included as compensation for coaches.
Hotel Stay for Tournaments – Navigators Soccer Club Tournament Manager will coordinate hotel arrangements for away tournaments and relay information to team managers. It is recommended that players stay in the same hotels for tournaments as it encourages team bonding. Hotel expenses/reservations are the responsibility of each family and not the responsibility of the team manager, coach or club.
4. Dual Rostering Policy
Navigators Soccer Club players are encouraged to play and practice soccer outside of club games and practices. Town, school and ODP teams are acceptable, but Navigators teams should remain the priority. It is not permitted for any Navigators player to be member of, play or practice with any other club soccer program while a member of the Navigators Soccer Club. Navigators soccer Club supports U15 and older players’ participation in High School soccer. It is understood by Navigators Soccer Club and coaches that high school soccer takes precedence. Town sports programs shall never take priority over club practices or games.
5. Player Conduct
Navigators players understand that he or she is representative of Navigators Soccer Club and will abide by the rules and policies of the club and will conduct themselves in a way that reflects well on the club. They also understand that their playing rights are dependent on adherence to the following:
- At all times, I will respect the game of soccer and its rules.
- I will make every effort to attend all team practices, training and games.
- At all times, I will respect referees, coaches, players and parents.
- I will always put the success of my team first.
- I will show good sportsmanship to my opponents before, during and after games.
- I will practice on my own what I learn each week in order to improve my skills to better the team.
6. Parent Conduct
Navigators Parents understand that he or she is representative of Navigators Soccer Club and will abide by the rules and policies of the club and will conduct themselves in a way that reflects well on the club. Winning is important, but recognize that fair play and player development is the essence of the game.
I will set a good example for my child and his/her teammates by conducting myself in an appropriate manner at all times in accordance with the following:
- Understanding that winning is important and fun but, fair play and respect is the essence of the game.
- I will not criticize the referees, coaches or players before, during or after games.
- I will not engage in arguments with opposing players, parents or game officials.
- I will only give positive feedback to players on both teams.
- I will be respectful of our opponents when cheering in one-sided games.
- I will demonstrate sportsmanship at all times.
- I will do my very best to have our child on time and prepared for every match.
- I understand that, upon review of improper behavior by the Board of Directors, a parent can, and will if necessary, be suspended from watching their child play should such behavior be considered rude or otherwise offensive.
- I will give a minimum of 48 hour notice to my coach should my player be unable to attend a team event.
- I will wait a mandatory 24 hour period after any game or event before approaching a coach regarding any issues with my child. I acknowledge that violation of this rule may result in a 1 game suspension for my child.
7. Sideline Behavior / Zero Tolerance Policy
Navigators Soccer Club expects parents and other spectators will always act in an appropriate manner. Parents are also representatives of the club and should abide by the same rules as players. Negative comments, criticizing referees, players or coaches will be discouraged. Parents should restrain from coaching any players from the sidelines. It not only can contradict the directions of the coach, but is also a major distraction for players. Comments and cheering should be encouraging, positive and respectful.
All Navigators Soccer Club players and parents are expected to abide by the Zero Tolerance Policies set forth by Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association and US Youth Soccer.
8. Chain of Command
Parents and player should present concerns in the following order
1. Team Manager
2. Head Coach
3. Club President or Club Director
4. Board of Directors
In the event that a parent or player has a concern involving a member of said “Chain of Command”, they may present concerns to subsequent member.